Welcome to our exclusive lessons on light and audio with KSCAPE. In a world where lighting and sound play a crucial role in everyday experiences, it is essential to understand how these technologies can transform the spaces we live in. KSCAPE, part of the K-array family, will guide you through an enlightening journey, exploring the latest innovations and advanced techniques to seamlessly integrate light and audio into your spaces. Join us to discover how controlling and customizing these elements can elevate the comfort, functionality, and aesthetics of your environments.

The quality of light directly influences our ability to perform tasks, our comfort, and our overall well-being. 

Good lighting is not just a luxury but a necessity for a productive and healthy environment


Adequate lighting with a low UGR is essential for work environments. Reducing glare helps maintain concentration and prevent visual fatigue, thereby improving productivity and efficiency. According to the recommendations of European regulation EN 12464-1, for office spaces, UGR values ≤19 are recommended to ensure a comfortable visual environment.

In the end, it's not the number of lights that matter, but how well they are used to create comfort and enhance the space